I’m a fan of Fantasy books and I’m also a writer. So I did this covers and illustrations myself for my books . Creating the cover of a book is lots of fun for me, so if you are interested in something similar, please contact me, and we can have a chat about it.

Kaytch: sulle orme del Ninki Nanka

Kaytch è un ragazzo di sedici anni con un grande cuore e un’irrefrenabile voglia di avventurarsi nelle terre selvagge. Non trovando risposte alle domande che riguardano la scomparsa del padre Freyr, grande domatore di draghi partito alla ricerca di una creatura leggendaria, decide di lasciare il villaggio Likan per mettersi sulle tracce del padre e del misterioso Ninki Nanka. Durante la sua avventura scoprirà che per trovare suo padre dovrà prima trovare se stesso.

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The Day I Became a Dinosaur

John is an ordinary man, with an ordinary job, living an ordinary life in New York. He’s 35 years old and he lives with his mum. He’s not exactly a winner or a lucky man. It’s funny, because he has big dreams but no opportunities. He wants to live a remarkable life, but, no matter how hard he tries, he is always a step away from the green light.He’s not a loser though, he’s a dreamer, often considered too good or too bad for doing anything that would make his life less miserable. What a weird situation for John; he thinks he doesn’t have the right to say anything that someone has already said, he’s got no news or original ideas and he thinks that the world spins faster than ever.He would cut himself off from social media and Christmas parties, but he knows he can’t, because he needs to be present and alive to have conversations with people he doesn’t like, because the world told him that he needs to be “social” in order to have a decent life, even if he won’t feel like being this way.John won’t give up, even if he always feels like a stranger on this planet. What he thinks is that maybe, once he gets to the point in life where he finally get himself a decent job and have a place of his own to live, he can finally retire, and live a peaceful life, away from stupid people and social media.But one day he’ll become a dinosaur. He will wake up with a huge head, three or four times bigger than a human’s head, with horns and stuff, lots of teeth and he’ll be grumpy and insolent, with absolutely no manners. He’s ok with that, until he will begin to miss the human life, and from that day he will try to go back, and the only thing that will make him feel better will be eating shit ton of Oreos and watching Netflix.Will dinosaur John make it?

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Do you want me to design a unique cover, and maybe the illustrations for your book? Please use the contact form below.